
Voice Searches

Some people use VOICE SEARCH more than once a day, according to Google. Only 36.7% hadn’t yet tried voice assistants. Nevertheless, increased adoption of smartphones and voice assistant and voice search tools, coupled with enhanced user experience, are likely to drive a seismic shift in how marketers manage search engine optimization. Search has been incorporating semantic context for a few years now. For instance, Google no longer looks exclusively at the query keywords. Instead, it can now take into consideration the implicit aspect of the query using data points provided by the device itself.. With voice assistants the implicit context becomes even more important as users will want a more specific answer than a list of websites. To this end, voice assistants address three types of query: Transactional, Informational, Navigational. With voice search it becomes even more important to adopt a human “conversational” tone in marketing content.

After sometime, voice- and image-based searches are going to make up at least 50% of searchers. The voice search queries will be more personal, descriptive and specific. Marketers will need to provide content, creative and ads that is more responsive to the increasingly dynamic demands of users. In fact, Google has seen a 61% year-over-year increase in question phrases. The move to natural language search will encourage compound queries and query revisions too. For marketers this could be a good thing as the question query can make it easier to predict  searcher intent and help us tailor content accordingly. In this voice-search-driven world, web search will no longer solely dominate. Page rankings will no longer be a primary goal. Instead, the marketer will need to find increasingly adaptable and responsive ways to meet customer needs, utilizing various and evolving access points.

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