
AngularJS 2

AngularJS 2  is a robust framework that is maintained by Google. AngularJS 2 is an open source web and mobile application development framework. It also has a very large support community. Nowadays it is widely used for desktop application development as it is a module base framework.


It has one HTML file (index.html) and Two Type Script files in app directory (app.component.ts, main.ts). Angular2 allows templates to be expanded on both client  and on a server, which is important to being able to optimize the initial request  and also important for reusing the same UI components or users with JavaScript enabled and users with JavaScript disabled. In addition to this, speed and efficiency has been a huge focus of Angular2. Angular2 isolates application components from each other, thereby making them more reusable and lessening the likelihood of bugs, and Angular2 has strong backing by Google. Angular 2 follows a more traditional MVC flavored pattern where models and views talk to each other both ways. Flux uses its own unique approach of only allowing data between objects to flow in one direction. An alternative to Angular2 that you may also consider is Polymer which, is also backed by Google and also provides isolated application components; Angular2 is about making a mature and widely used product efficient and maintainable. Angular 2 turns your templates into code that’s highly optimized for today’s JavaScript virtual machines, giving you all the benefits of hand-written code with the productivity of a framework.


Few notable differences between Angular JS & Angular 2 follows::

  • The most important point here is, Angular 2 is not the upgrade of angular 1. Angular 2 is completely rewritten.
  • Angular 2 is using Typescript which is super set of javascript
  • Angular 1.x was not built with mobile support in mind, where Angular 2 is mobile oriented.
  • Angular 1 core concept was $scope, and you will not find $scope in angular 2.0. Angular 2 is using zone.js to detect changes.
  • Angular 1.x controllers are gone. We can say that controllers are replaced with “Components” in Angular 2.
  • If you compare the file size, angular 2 is 20kb less than angular 1 which helps in decreasing the load time for apps.


Our developers can help you creating your application development with this amazing framework.


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