Why we use RUBY ON RAILS and not other frameworks like Python , Java etc. Ruby on Rails fits in very nicely for rapid development because one of Rails’ principle is convention over configuration. This means that Rails will choose a lot of ‘common sense’ configuration by default so that the developer can quickly jump into coding the application instead of wasting hours setting it up. Rails lets the developer to just jump straight into coding and start doing the real work. In a bigger picture, convention over configuration also helps tremendously in setting the development culture for the startup team.
Other than a limited budget and time, a startup is almost always changing and adjusting its strategies to fit to the market. Combine that with the nature of software development which by itself is a fluid, ever-changing and endless refinement process. And now startup web application is constantly undergoing small refinements to major overhaul. To manage a constant evolving software, the code base itself must be able to adapt to changes. Test cases ensures that the additional code that the developer has added does not cause more bugs in the application. This allows the code base to evolve without suffering from previous bugs or issues. Ruby community has such a large number of different testing libraries that Ruby developers are arguing among themselves which testing libraries or styles are better while developers in other frameworks are still arguing whether they should have test cases or not. A test-driven Ruby culture has 2 wonderful “side-effects” in the community: better code quality through code refactoring and more stable open source Ruby libraries. This creates a high quality coding standard among Ruby developers and better code products. Startups benefit from this by leveraging high quality community-contributed Ruby code to quickly develop their application. Any startup will definitely want productive and efficient developers working on their web application.
Ruby on Rails provides one of the best culture and development needs for startups and web applications.