
AdBlock Plus

AdBlock Plus, the ad blocking extension has recently invested an undisclosed amount into flatter, a social startup to begin meaningful monetization of the web sans advertising. The move has been hailed by most quality content providers including large media houses. What happens exactly is that users can subscribe to Flatter Plus, the new offering coupled with ADBLOCK PLUS , to experience a completely ad-free internet. This may come as a huge blow to programs like Google Adwords and Google AdSense if the adoption rate for the product explodes.

Ad blocking software’s usage on the web, and now mobile, has forced the media and publishing industry to look to new revenue models. Now company launched its “Acceptable Ads” program, which offers a whitelist of ads that play nicely. The company is also now forming a committee composed of stakeholders in the advertising industry, including journalists, publishers, ad tech companies and advertisers, to help better define what an acceptable ad actually is.  AdBlock Plus user base is best prepared to pay publishers in this manner, because they’re the kind of power users who want to have more control over their web experience — even if the majority are fine with ads.

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