
5 Reasons Why Yii Is The Most Preferred Framework Among Developers

In this modern world predominantly guided by technology and gadgets, computerization has taken over almost entire tasks. Everything is digital and guided by smartphones and the world wide web. Resultant, demand for web and application development is almost increasing. When we talk about custom software solutions, there are certain general purpose programming languages that they choose for developing task out of which PHP is most popular for its security and PHP framework.

hire yii developers

Among other, some of the reasons why developers choose PHP framework is that speedy development is possible on it. PHP provides a high level of security, dynamic and up to date framework, its scalability, and ease of reuse and maintenance. There are a number of PHP frameworks that differ in speed and performance within themselves. However, the most trusted one that could be recommended by any custom software development company is Yii. Yii is an open source framework yet provides a variety of dynamic features. Here are some of the reasons why Yii is chosen to be the most preferred PHP framework among developers:

Logical and clean coding:

A purely object-oriented tool, Yii is based on DRY i.e. Don’t Repeat Yourself coding concept that eliminates duplications and gives you a rather clean and logical code.

Fast coding:

One of the reasons to hire yii developers is that it facilitates generating a base (PHP) code and further lets programmers to customize that base code according to their requirements. This reduces application development time significantly.

Feature packed:

Yii 2 comes up with jQuery and a number of AJAX-enabled features making it easy to develop dynamic websites. It implements skinning and theming mechanism making it easy to use. And Gii code generator to facilitate object-oriented programming and rapid prototyping.

Decreased user abandonment and improved performance:

A measure of success for a web application or a website is the loading time of the website. As per a study, if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, users are likely to abandon the site. Yii extensively uses lazy loading technique that does not load entire webpage content at once instead loads content only when a user accesses that part of the page. This increases site response rate and reduces loading time.

Efficient implementation of lazy loading technique:

If you hire PHP developers, prefer to choose the ones that use Yii due to its effective implementation of lazy loading technique. They make efficient and extensive use of the technique to further enhance request handling capacity per second.

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