

#Gulp #Grunt #NPM #Broccoli #CSS #TaskRunnerDevelopment

GULP  is a task/build runner for development. It allows one to do a lot of stuff within the development workflow.One can compile sass files, compress js files and much more. One task flow into another. These help in saving the time, making your development workflow more organized. There are many tools available in the market which do the same work such as Grunt, Broccoli etc. Gulp could be compared to GRUNT in its usage. Gulp is preferred a bit because of its faster performance using the stream line. Gulp uses plugins to automate the task and these plugins can be installed and managed by using Node Package Manager. Gulp is presented as a toolkit for helping JavaScript/Node developers create a build pipeline. Gulp does essentially the same thing as Grunt but with a more modern interface.  The way gulp approaches things  builds tend to turn out faster as it  minify CSS, JS and keep a ready-for production environment project

Gulp is a successor of Grunt we can say and easier to use.  There are lot of tasks which were taking lot of time of UI developers which were no productive such as – sass to css conversation, making HTML templates, Minify of CSS and JS, Images optimization, setting localhost, refreshing page.

So, gulpjs/gruntjs help in making these tasks automated, it is a one time task to installed these and set the commands and than you are all set to go.
Gulp is a build system for automating tasks. The following is few listing which can be achieved with the help of gulpjs

– Minification

– Watch files

– Compile Sass, LESS files for you

– Combining multiple js/css files into single file respectively

– Converting SVG icons to fonts

– Live browser reload

Copy all files of bower to a specific project directory (css, js, images)

Gulp is generally more concise and readable.  Gulp is faster in general. Although Gulp has fewer plugins and thinner documentation key plugins for minification, concatenation, linting, LESS transpilation, and so forth. Grunt is declarative, one can specify configuration for plugins that perform a certain action. Gulp is imperative, and major Difference Between Gulp and Grunt Lies in How They Deal With Automation of Tasks Internally . Gulp Uses Node Streams For running different tasks and Grunt use temp files for the same work . Grunt runs tasks using Temporary files which are disk I/O operations. Gulp and Grunt both are Task Runners. Meaning, these are used to run tasks that you have programmed.

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